Little Lady Plays reviews “Annabelle’s Secret”

Little Lady Plays reviews “Annabelle’s Secret: A Story about Sexual Abuse” written by Amy Barth and illustrated by Richa Kinra.

Here is a synopsis of the storyline, be sure to read the full review here as well as watching the video above:

Annabelle was a bright little girl who loved playing. One day she met a boy who tricked her into joining a secret club. The club as it turned out to be was only the two of them. At first Annabelle felt funny being touched and having touched Joel, but he reassured her this is how to be big.

Instead of seeking help, Annabelle avoided public and spend most of her time indoors. Finally, she told her mother what had happened.

Annabelle’s mother was very kind and gentle. She took Annabelle for help and when they felt all was well, life went on normally. This took a turn for the worse when Annabelle became a teenager.